Briana Mukodiri Uchendu

Briana Mukodiri Uchendu is an award-winning illustrator, visual development artist, and a first-generation Nigerian-American from Houston, Texas. Her work is inspired by her interests in folklore, film, and animation and her passion to highlight voices that usually go unheard. She was awarded a Silver Medal by the Society of Illustrators' Original Art show for her debut book, The Talk (which also received a Coretta Scott King award for Alicia D. Williams's text), and she received the CSK John Steptoe Award for New Talent (Illustrator) for her second book, We Could Fly, written by Grammy-winning artist Rhiannon Giddens.

Loves to draw: Children, women, Imaginary Places, natural landscapes, dark skin, magic or fantasy, dancing figures or figures in motion, historical settings, pre-history, pre-colonial, fairy-tales, folk-tales

Portfolio | Instagram | Agent: Jessica Saint Jean


Published Work

Cover Art